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Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus.

Africa’s first mental health service and online therapy platform

Get access to mental health knowledge, advice and online therapy in 5+ different languages at your finger tips.

Start Now

What is Ayya?

Ayya stands for “Afya Yangu Ya Akili”, a swahili phrase meaning “My Mental Health”.

Ayya Africa is an online platform that offers mental health education, advice and linking clients to therapists to the wider African community. The platform offers tailored knowledge and advice by utilizing the use of the internet and digital technology.

Our Vision

To become the largest online mental health services provider in Africa. 

Our Mission

To improve access and availability of mental health services in African communities.

Our Values

We designed Ayya for Africans. We know the culture and we understand the stigma, so you can spend less time explaining and more time speaking up. 


Your conversations are 100% encrypted. We do not share any data to third party.


Our team of experts are reviewed and validated to offer mental health therapy services.


Forget about availability and physical access. Take your sessions from anywhere.

Ayya Africa App

Ayya is designed to equip you with the right tools to strengthen your mental health

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Vetted Knowledge Hub

Access tailored mental health handbook prepared and vetted by health professionals for you to read at your own pace

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Multi-language support

Information available in 5 different most spoken languages across Sub Saharan Africa

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Make appointments

Fast booking experience, linked to a therapist within 24 hours

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Change text size, colour, platform look and feel, highlight and take notes for later revision within the app

Our 3 in 1 Promise of Service

Whatever your mental health needs Ayya Africa App has something for you.


Our expert reviewed Handbook will equip you with enough knowledge about mental health.


Regular advice and frequent notifications will keep you updated every step of the way.


We will link you to therapists and mental health experts you can consult with both online and offline.

Ready to transform your well-being?

Begin your health and wellness journey with Ayya Africa mental health app today

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ayya Africa comprises a dedicated team with a fervor for mental health. Functioning as an online therapy platform, our focus is on serving Africans worldwide. Our mission involves offering mental health insights and guidance, facilitating connections between individuals seeking top-notch yet affordable mental health care and thoroughly vetted therapists. All of this is conducted through a secure and confidential online experience.
The mental health handbook, advice articles and all information in Ayya App are written and reviewed by a qualified and vetted team of mental health practitioners, psychologists and doctors to ensure the accuracy of the information delivered.
Therapy or counseling is a valuable resource for anyone, akin to a life tool-kit. Whether you grapple with relationship management, anxiety, depression, or the challenges that arise during stressful times, counseling serves as a means to explore and understand your emotions. It equips you with insights into what you feel, why you feel that way, and empowers you with strategies to navigate through these experiences.
Yes. All of our experts are certified and thoroughly vetted. We only work with experts who have completed professional training programs at least at an advanced diploma level, and have 2+ years of hands-on experience, and also have positive references from previous employers. We go an extra mile making sure they are registered with respective professional bodies and they are up to date with their memberships. Whether they’re located regionally or overseas, all of our specialists have all been selected in accordance with the same overarching goal: to help the people of our region in a language they can understand.
In therapy, confidentiality is sacred. As such, there is nothing that we take more seriously than your privacy. We use secured servers to ensure that your personal information and communications are encrypted and stored securely with the highest levels of privacy by being fully HIPAA compliant. HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability and is the most respected global standard for protecting sensitive patient data.
Ayya Africa App is currently free for a period of time. You are advised to take advantage of this by downloading the app and start using it. While we cannot guarantee that Ayya Africa will be free forever, we are dedicated to ensure Africans have access to enough mental health knowledge and therapy.

Stay in the loop!

Get tailored mental health knowledge and advice direct to your mailbox. Be on top of your mental health by receiving weekly top notch mental health content you can count on to live a healthier and happy life.

Ayya Africa provides confidential mental health education, advice, and therapy to individuals across Africa. By leveraging the power of technology, Ayya Africa is addressing the critical need for mental health services in Africa, where access to care is often limited due to stigma, cost, and geographical barriers.

Contact Us

Ayya Africa

House No.3, Amani Street, Sinza D, Dar es salaam, Tanzania

Copyright @{{currentDate.datetime.formatDate('yyyy')}} Ayya Africa. All Rights Reserved.